EW article: Decoding the Lost Finale (scans)

Lost 28 May 2010 | 0 Comments

Doc Jensen’s piece on the finale…includes that fetching picture of Desmond at the concert! “What worked?  What didn’t? And what does it all mean?  Here’s how we see it.” (click, and then click, to make it bigger!)

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Ian’s radio interview on WMMR May 21, 2010

HIC's in there,Lost 28 May 2010 | 0 Comments

Great interview with HIC, and then Daniel joins them for a bit… Hard to hear Ian at times, but he talks about the Mick Jagger skit and also mentions Daniel trying to get him a spot on Hawaii Five-O… *hears Kathy squeeing in background* He phones into the show almost half way thru…just shy of […]

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A clarifying summary from Dark’s site…and a wonderful send off from HawaiiRyan!

Lost 25 May 2010 | 0 Comments

A summary of many of the nuances from the Finale…thanks to RevelFire for helping us out in our stupor!  I’ve heard many fans state they have been having trouble thinking and sleeping…perhaps a nod to Darlton for their brainwashing abilities! lol And more thanks than can ever be adequately expressed to Andy and partners at […]

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