Enjoy these clips from this beautiful film, in which Ian portrays Jesus. The music, the costumes, the performances, are all exceptional. It tells the story of how Easter morning came to be.
We are absolutely thrilled to watch this pre-recorded interview with Ian about his experience of voicing Peet, and his approach and background as an actor. It is truly delightful! Ian looks and sounds fantastic, and we love catching up with him between projects. Thank you to The Wingfeather Saga for inviting him on this journey! From March 3, 2023.
We were surprised and delighted to see Ian’s ‘The Wingfeather Saga’ character, Peet the Sock Man, reveal more about himself in this last episode. We learned that he has courage, strength, tenderness… and claws for hands, hence the socks always covering them. We are not sure what all this means, but as we see Peet carry off an injured Nugget the dog, we are hoping for healing.
It was just announced that Ian will be appearing live this Friday at 7pm CST/8 pm EST on the Angel Studios platform and on the WFS Facebook page. He and Chris Wall will do a recap of 1.05. We always love to see Ian being Ian, and are very much looking forward to hearing him talk about voicing Peet.
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