Browsing archives for 'Lost'

ME, Ian and Jorge pic from the last day of filming…

HIC's in there,Lost 29 May 2010 | 0 Comments

Thanks to that Shady lady at GJB for sharing this utterly adorable shot of these thoroughly wonderful men!! Love how Ian is just beaming!! One more shot from the last day And I know they explained the orange bulge, but maybe it’s actually Locke’s orange peel from Season 1! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amazing picture of ME, Ian […]

Nestor and Ian discuss the finale (pre-finale video)

HIC's in there,Lost 29 May 2010 | 0 Comments

More face time with Team Caliente…they’re just so incredibly cute (read: smokin’ hot) together! Thanks to Elena for the post…and for the question: Raise your hand those of you who’d kill for a spin off with those two. Thanks, boys…we can’t get enough of ye! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New video with Ian and NEstor!

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EW article: Decoding the Lost Finale (scans)

Lost 28 May 2010 | 0 Comments

Doc Jensen’s piece on the finale…includes that fetching picture of Desmond at the concert! “What worked?  What didn’t? And what does it all mean?  Here’s how we see it.” (click, and then click, to make it bigger!)

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