HIC's in there,Lost,Miscellaneous
22 March 2012 | 0 Comments
Desmond Hume aka Henry Ian Cusick makes the list at #7 – …on the assumption that the actor, Henry Ian Cusick, is just like his television character Not sure how Ian would answer that, but we highly doubt you’d be disappointed! Cute article! Top 10 people to have a beer with before you die By […]
Tagged in Desmond Hume, Desmond mentions
13 July 2011 | 0 Comments
We’ve seen time-lapsed speed paintings before of Desmond. Thanks goes to Mianne for recently finding another one……watch and enjoy! Painting credit: Lorant Toth
Tagged in Desmond Art, Desmond Hume
23 May 2011 | 0 Comments
To celebrate, fellow fangirl Jen Chaney at the Washington Post got a great interview with Damon Lindelof recently… Thanks to Kathy for the find: ‘Lost’ finale redux: A Q&A with Damon Lindelof And found this fantastic wallpaper in honor of same… thanks to Dana Doggett over at Lost-forum:
Tagged in Desmond Art, LOST cast, photos, press