(video) Grounders In Paris – the videos

Fanclub,HIC's in there,Public appearances 16 July 2023 | 0 Comments

Thanks to all who recorded and shared their videos of the Con. It was such a successful event and a good time for the cast and the fans. We love anytime we can catch Ian in a photo or a video, so these are a treat…enjoy!

Video clips

From FRConventions, their coverage of the Grounder In Paris event.

There are other videos from the con on their channel; these clips have footage of Ian:

From Reunited Events, a video compilation that includes the party (though no sign of HIC).

From Addictions Conventions, Video Souvenir has brief shots of Ian in the audience managing the microphone and is a beautiful lookback at the event.

Ian joins the audience

Ian returns to the stage

Ian in the audience-01

Ian in the audience-02

Ian in the audience-03

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