(video) Avery is in all sorts of trouble in 3.11 Super Foxes
We see Avery in 3 scenes tonite, and his drama did not disappoint. Ian plays his desperation so well, and even though Avery isn’t always a very good guy, we’ve grown fond and are rooting for him. We really enjoyed the scene with Avery and Beau in the interrogation room. We loved that Jensen’s character mentioned Thailand, which Ian recently visited for a film, and also said “…maybe you’re not into the whole heat thing” suggesting perhaps Avery doesn’t like warm weather. We know that in real life, HIC grew up and now lives in a tropical setting, so that made us smile! Next up, it will be interesting to see what happens next with Tonya and Donno as the 2-part season finale starts next week.
Avery caps here