HIC's in there ,Public appearances
6 November 2019 | 0 Comments
Unfortunately, Ian had to cancel his appearance at RICC this past weekend:
Fans were sad to miss him in person, but Team CusickGallery was able to offer them a moment with his likeness:
#TeamCusickGallery with our Ian standee/cutout, our constant companion at RICC
Amy Imhoff, long-time fan, enjoying the event
John and Sue, over from the UK, reuniting with their iconic friend
Annie and Lauren came to RICC from Canada and Michigan to see their favourite
Dinner with KJ and Kelly (flanking Ian), and Sue
Leanne and Shane, who are expecting their second son, met in a local Lost group He will join their first son, Desmond, named after their favourite character
Fan Clan Dinner Left side: Kendra, Sabrina, Andrea, Kathy, Sue, Mianne Right side: Annie, Lauren, Ashley, Erika, KJ, Kelly
Tagged in Con Appearances , Fan Conventions , RICC 2019