A Scandal Surprise of the Stephen Kind
Thank you Shonda!!!
OMG! Scandal Just Delivered The Greatest Surprise Return Ever!
Thu., Feb. 19, 2015 8:13 PM PST

Holy. Crap.
We could never in a million years have predicted who would come out of the woodwork to save Olivia Pope. We are flabbergasted, and very impressed.
At the end of last week, we believed that Olivia was being handed over to Iran, but Liv herself botched that deal by breaking out some Farsi in the first moments of the episode.
So, the auction was back on, and things got crazy. While Cyrus was working on a plan to kill Olivia, believing that was the White House’s only option, there was a bidding war going on between OPA, operating as Marie Wallace, and the Russians. Both put $2 billion on the table, and Olivia’s kidnappers asked for her opinion. She said Marie Wallace, so they obviously went with Russia.
Fortunately for many reasons, Olivia’s new Russian “owner” was none other than…Stephen Finch (Henry Ian Cusick)!
Stephen left OPA at the end of season one, back when the show was barely a glimmer of the insane political thriller that it is now, and we haven’t seen him since. Apparently, Abby managed to track him down and discovered that he was working in Russia. You go Abby!
ABC/Adam Taylor
Olivia tried to get Stephen to come back to Washington with her, but he claimed he was happy where he is. He did, however, thank Olivia for giving him the chance to return the favor of saving his life.
Elsewhere in the episode, Quinn and Jake worked hard to keep Huck and his murderous tendencies under control, and Mellie, after several amazing and classic Mellie speeches, enlisted Lizzie Bear to get rid of the truly disgusting Andrew. Lizzie immediately made the right choice by heading to OPA and getting some help from Huck, who was then able to put his skills to productive use, by tying Andrew up and filling him with drugs to cause a stroke.
Then, it was the reunion a lot of people have been waiting for: the one between Olivia and Fitz. He showed up at her apartment after she had been brought home safely though shaken, and she basically gave him one of the greatest speeches of her career while chastising him for going to war for her after all she had done for his presidency. “You didn’t save me,” she told him, “I’m on my own.” And she kicked him out, much to the great joy of those of us who find Fitz to be despicable.
But anyway, Stephen came back! We still can’t get over it.
This show never fails to amaze us. Bravo, Scandal. Bravo.
Is Stephen Finch Coming Back To Work For Olivia Pope And Associates on Scandal?

There was only a few minutes between Kerry Washington and Henry Ian Cusick and it was nostalgic.
During Scandal episode 13 “No More Blood,” Olivia was saved by one of the original gladiators who worked for Olivia Pope and Associates in season 1, Stephen Finch (Henry Ian Cusick) rescued our girl.
It was revealed Finch was working with Russian mafia that bid $2 billion for Olivia which would give them control of the President of the United States. Abby called in a favor from Stephen after finding him through Interpol in order to prevent Olivia’s death by the White House who planned to bomb the exchange if the nation’s biggest secrets fall into the wrong hands.
Scandal executive producer, Shonda Rhimes tells Entertainment Weekly:
“We had been thinking about the idea of him coming back actually for a long time…as far as I know, he immediately said yes. It was an immediate, ‘Absolutely,’ and then he and I were on the phone together, which was nice.”
“It had been our solution in this story because of the idea that we knew that he had never gone and been normal and because we knew he had been our idea of redemption. It was the only sensible solution when you think about Olivia’s life, where she’s gone and where she’s been. Nostalgically for her, I think she believes that he’s safety and home, whether it’s true or not. If you think about the fact that she has no family — her mother basically let her go and her father basically told her she didn’t exist anymore for him — Stephen was the last of the Gladiators who had no beef with her in any way, shape or form. She hadn’t abandoned him. There was no baggage there, so that was why.”
Henry Ian Cusick is now the one of the stars on The CW’s The 100, and Rhimes won’t say if he is coming back for good. Even though Olivia may need help now since she appears to be suffering from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder – A mental health condition triggered by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event) after her time in captivity.
Want to learn more about Stephen from season 1, click HERE.
We will keep out fingers crossed!
Woo hoo! I agree! Apparence on Scandal — Great Zinger! Stephen Finch comeback! HIC can “set hop” between The 100 & Scandal…. :D