Henry Ian Cusick… on the TV horizon?
Rumours abound, some from fairly reliable sources, about how and when HIC will return to television this coming season.
Will ‘Fringe’ bring back Henry Ian Cusick in season 5?

Posted on 5:30 pm,
September 26, 2012
Fringe introduced Lost‘s Henry Ian Cusick in the flash forward episode “Letters in Transit,” but he got stuck in amber. Will he return in season 5?
When we met him in 2036, Simon worked with Peter and Olivia’s daughter Etta in the Fringe division, and together they fought the Observers and searched for the Bishops. The pair seemed very close, and although a romance was never indicated, it was something a lot of fans picked up on.
But after finding Walter, Peter, Olivia and William Bell stuck in amber, Simon sacrificed himself to get them out, and got trapped next to Bell.
We already know that Leonard Nimoy’s Bell will return in the fifth and final season, but what about Henry Ian Cusick?
Well, we’re not sure. Showrunner Joel Wyman tells TV Guide that Simon will return – sort of. “[Simon will appear] in some way, shape or form,” he says.
Fringe‘s fifth season begins this Friday with “Transilience Thought Unifier-Model 11,” which airs at 9/8c on Fox. The final season will have only 13 episodes, and we’ll see both the 2036 reality, and flashbacks showing how the characters ended up in amber.
Are you excited for the final season of Fringe? If you need more to keep you going till Friday, you can watch some great cast interviews where they tease what’s coming up here on Hypable!
Another Lost Star Coming to Hawaii Five-O? Daniel Dae Kim Tells All!
by Kristin Dos Santos Mon., Sep. 24, 2012 4:04 PM PDT

Hawaii Five-O returns to CBS tonight after a doozy (yes, we said doozy!) of a cliffhanger last May: McGarrett’s mom (Christine Lahti) is alive, and Chin (Daniel Dae Kim) had to choose which one of the ladies in his life to rescue from impending death. Dun. Dun. Dun.
But what this H50…and Lost fan really wants to know? Is there another Lostie heading to Hawaii Five-O? And hey, is there any hope that our dream casting for Josh Holloway could come true?
Daniel Dae Kim, one of our favorite people who breathes air (seriously!), took time during a break from shooting in Hawaii to get to the nitty-gritty. Here are five things you Hawaii Five-O fans and former Lost fans need to know:
1. Henry Ian Cusick Could Be Heading to Hawaii Five-O! Spoiler Alert to Scandal fans: In case you hadn’t heard, Henry Ian Cusick (Lost‘s Desmond) is done shooting Scandal, and Daniel reveals: “Ian and I saw each other the other day. He is back in Hawaii, and we were talking about the possibility of maybe making a phone call to see if he would be interested in joining us for an episode or more. And you know, he seemed pretty open to it, and I would love to see him on the show!” Other Losties DDK would love to see on H50? “Harold Perrineau, but he’s pretty busy with Sons of Anarchy. And I’d love to see Josh Holloway. Who wouldn’t love to see Josh Holloway on any show!?” Speaking of…
2. Josh Holloway Is on the Short List to Play Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey! OK, not really, but as I pressed Dan to convince his good friend Josh to come back to our tellies very soon, I also floated the idea of Josh playing Christian Grey (a girl can dream). “I capital L-O-V-E that idea,” Dan replied. “I think Josh would be perfect for it. He’s got that combination of men want to be him and women want to be with him. I haven’t read the book, but every woman I know has told me about it. It seems like he needs to be someone who has a little bit of authority, a little bit of mystery, and a little bit of seasoning to him. And I feel like that is Josh.” Make it so, universe. Please and thank you.
Exclusive Scoop and Interviews: Get More “Watch with Kristin!
3. Dan’s H50 Character Chin Ho Kelly Will Get “Darker:” Dan teases, “If what William Baldwin‘s character outlined at the end of season two actually comes to pass, than Chin is going to lose someone very dear to him. And I think we’re going to see some of the ramifications of that decision and the consequences of that choice. I would expect that there would be some darker tones to his character for a little while and that is something that is unique among crime procedurals. Usually, it’s the crime of the week, and then you move on and then one episode has nothing to do with the one that just finished. So the fact that there will be some residual effects is kind of special.”
4. H50‘s Season Three Will Dig Even Deeper Into Our Faves: “There is more character explanation than there has ever been on the show,” Dan teases of the upcoming episodes. “The fact that we ended on a McGarrett (Alex O’Loughlin) storyline that had nothing to do with the crime and that Chin Ho was put in a position of jeopardy that was personal that affected Kono (Grace Park). And Danno (Scott Caan) also had a situation that was very personal to him that was independent of any kind represents, I think, a big step from where the show started. And there will be more of that.”
5. Daniel’s Vow to Lost Fans: Scott Speedman‘s new (submarine) show Last Resort is filming in Hawaii, and when I asked DDK to please promise he would stay away from those dangerous submarines (Flashback Spoiler Alert: Don’t forget how Sun and Jin died!), Daniel laughed: “There are a lot of ex-Lost crew members on that show! So I can’t make any promises that I won’t go and visit sometimes…But I would be sure to think more about the well-being of my fictitious daughter if I did ever enter a submarine again! You have my word.”
Check out Hawaii Five-O‘s season three premiere tonight!
AND found this not-seen-before TV Guide video recap of Season 1 of Scandal, with a wee bit o’Stephen: